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Traveling Companions

Sally and Matty showed up on the scene in their cute little car. Sally took the wheel, and Matthew was excited to go along for the ride. But as they drove around, Sally got pulled over by the police and received a ticket for reckless driving without a license.

The driving schools wouldn’t teach Sally, so Matty went to driving school and offered to take the wheel when he got his license. When Matty started driving, Sally rode shotgun.

Matty wanted to stick to the road and the routes programmed into the GPS, but Sally always wanted him to check out things she saw from the corner of her eye. He got tired of these side adventures that always got them into trouble with the authorities or rarely panned out. Matty told his traveling companion that she needed to sit in the back seat and be quiet so they could travel safely and peacefully. 

Sally tried to do as she was told but couldn’t help herself. She kept wanting to visit people and places that weren’t on the map. She got them into several accidents because Matty was distracted and wanted to do things as he had been taught.

They only had each other in the world, and there was no way they could ever be apart. One day Matty got so frustrated that he hit Sally over the head, gagged, and bound her. He put his lifelong traveling companion in the car’s trunk to get to where they needed to go without all the hassles that had caused them so much trouble.

Despite the many sights, distractions, and diversions, Matty got lonely and bored. By turns, he felt sad and angry. Matty felt like something was missing. Matty couldn’t deny the emptiness even though he kept himself busy. He knew that he needed Sally to help him feel whole and complete. She was nearly dead from starvation and dehydration when he opened the trunk. He was horrified at what he’d done. He removed her gag and unbound her. He gently placed her in the car’s back seat and sought medical help. The doctors ignored Sally because there was nothing they could do for her. They offered to address Matti’s symptoms with different drugs and treatments. Still, they did nothing for Sally because they’d never treated anyone like her. Matty’s desperate pleas could not move the experts to do the impossible.

There were no laws against treating a soul as Matty had done. There was no call to the authorities to address his neglect, nor would any charges of kidnapping or other crimes be brought against him. 

Matty was unwilling to accept that Sally should continue to live in a coma because of his mistakes. He searched everywhere until he found people who knew how to treat Sally. They taught Matty to access a new kind of water he had never been told about. He was told how it existed as a type of water vapor in the atmosphere and flowed in hidden streams and rivers that most people didn’t bother to access or drink from. The healers also showed Matty where to find food that grew wild along the roadside. These plants were freely available, but few people bothered to eat them because they were taught to eat food from officially recognized sources and licensed establishments. Even as Matty followed their instructions in providing care to Sally, she frequently drifted in and out of consciousness. He took advantage of her fleeting wakeful moments to help her drink and eat. Eventually, Sally could wake up for a couple of hours a couple of times a day to receive nourishment. She slept the rest of the time. Matty continued to help her eat and drink during her waking hours and met her needs. It was quite some time before Sally was strong enough to sit up and care for herself. 

Matty felt in his heart that he had to take care of Sally until she fully recovered from the effects of his neglect. He owed her that. Matty apologized over and over to Sally. Matty couldn’t cry enough tears for what he’d done, but Sally never held anything against him. She would look at her traveling companion with nothing but love and understanding. Sally knew their country was a harsh and unforgiving place. She was also aware that Matty had done the best he could. Eventually, Matty would hear these words as she regained her voice. Matty was committed to bringing Sally back to her old self. He was committed to finding a way to travel safely together in peace and joy.

When she grew strong enough, Sally sat in the front passenger seat. She started to help Matty see, hear, and know things he hadn’t before. She could see what was going on in the cars around them and pointed out that most of the other drivers they encountered had unconscious souls bound and gagged in the trunks of their cars, just as she had been. Matty hadn’t noticed the situation. There were no laws against locking up souls, nor were there any public awareness campaigns to help people understand the nature and scope of the problem.

As Sally and Matty saw the unhappiness and harm caused by this silent crisis, their hearts went out to the lost drivers and the souls they encountered. Sally and Matty dedicated their lives to helping the minds and souls suffering around them to come together as they were meant to. 

Sally and Matty were surprised when her strength and abilities surpassed their expectations. Matty realized it was time to ask Sally to take back the wheel so he could ride shotgun as he had when they were new on the scene. He was happy to follow Sally’s lead as she and Matty had many joyfully unexpected adventures. The traveling companions worked together, inseparable, serving many in love.

The Secrets of the Story

This story represents the journey of soul awakening on Earth at this moment in history. 

In this parable, Matty is the material mind. The material mind is the part of us that we are encouraged to grow and develop by our institutions and social, educational, political, economic, and religious structures. It’s the aspect of ourselves that we have been taught to put in charge of our lives. We believe the mind is the key to survival, getting by, or success, as many humans currently define these outcomes.

Sally is the soul. Our souls are our true selves made in the invisible image and likeness of the Source of Life, God.

The car is like the biological and spirit bodies that act as the vehicles for our material minds and souls.

The medical experts represent everything the fabricated world of human invention offers to alleviate symptoms without treating the actual cause of the disease. Despite the claims of experts and advertisers, there is nothing people have made (or will ever invent) that directly addresses the fundamental problem. The crisis we face today is the lack of a solid and loving relationship between the soul and the material mind within most of us.

The water and food the healers teach Matty about represent the Essence of the Source (what I often refer to as Divine Love). This power is freely offered to all souls. It’s the secret ingredient for a healthy and fruitful relationship between the material mind and the soul. (Divine Love also has a transformative effect upon our biological and spirit bodies.)

I hope the insanity of our current way of life comes across in this tale. Can we understand how we are systematically and ubiquitously encouraged to deny and neglect our souls, the central aspect of our true identity as children of the Source of Life? I hope it’s clear that the institutions and structures of our global civilization do not acknowledge or support the well-being of our souls. That is the situation right now. Thankfully, by God’s Grace and those who choose the Ultimate Gift, this sad state of affairs will not last. 

More and more Mattys are waking up to the plight of their Sallys. We have access to everything we need to bring our souls back from the brink of death. The nourishment our souls require is freely available for the asking. Please long for this mighty gift with all you’ve got! Seek the Creator’s Unconditional Love and keep praying for it to bring your soul and material mind into a healthy, synergistic relationship.

How is it with your soul? Is she bound and gagged in the trunk? Or are you helping her receive the spiritual nourishment that brings new life to all aspects of your being? May we all have the courage to give our souls, minds, spirits, and bodies everything they need, no matter what.

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  1. john robert melmer


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