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The Heartsick Cardiologist

A girl was born to parents from families with extensive histories of heart disease. Both of her parents died young from heart-related illnesses. At an early age she decided to become a cardiologist and dedicated her life to ending heart disease forever.

As she was nearing the end of her residency, the young cardiologist was diagnosed with a rare and untreatable heart condition and received a poor prognosis. The prospect of dying before completing her self-appointed mission motivated her to pour all of her efforts into discovering a cure for all forms of heart disease.

Through determination and inspiration she discovered a type of stem cell not found in nature.  She injected herself with the stem cells without notifying the institutional review board because her time was running out. Within days the cells were mysteriously targeting the areas of her heart that were most in need of repair. She repeated the treatments regularly given the encouraging early results. At her next medical exam her doctor was surprised to see that she had improved significantly.

She eventually received permission to do clinical trials of the new stem cell therapy with critically ill coronary care patients. The results were disappointing. Most patients experienced little or no improvement, but in a couple of cases the results were beyond remarkable. In a matter of months the stem cells replaced a significant percentage of the patients’ original heart cells. Their hearts tested healthier and stronger at each follow-up visit.

Even though she had found only a few cases where the therapy had been effective, she continued to test the treatment. She believed that she had discovered something truly special, not only because of the obvious medical benefits but also because of the unusual psychological side effects – increased patience, kindness, compassion, purpose, peace, generosity, and joy.

After years of systematically eliminating potential factors related to the therapy’s wildly inconsistent effectiveness, the now healthy and mature cardiologist discovered that the effectiveness of the treatment was perfectly and positively correlated with how desperately the patient wanted a new heart.

Secret of the Story

This story is an outgrowth of my desire to create a concrete metaphor for what happens to a human soul when one prays for God’s Love. This is one of the most concrete metaphors I have been able to develop using current concepts that people can actually understand and relate to today despite being a bit futuristic. The “stem cell not found in nature” is a symbol for God’s Love, because it is not found in nature. It is a supernatural substance that comes to those who ask for it repeatedly. It literally comes into our souls in exact accordance to how frequently and sincerely our souls long for it.

Another key to understanding this story is that it is describing an important spiritual principle at work in the way of spiritual transformation. That which is out of harmony with God’s Love must be replaced, displaced, and/or transformed by it as it flows into the soul. God’s Love is the greatest power in the cosmos, so anything less than it must give way to it. It is in this way that a corrupted human heart may be replaced by a pure heart that is overflowing with God’s Compassion. Through repeated and sincere prayer for God’s Love hearts of stone become hearts of flesh (Ezekiel 36:26). Dying hearts become healthy hearts that inspire feats of love beyond the limits of human understanding. May it be so with each of us.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Terry

    Love your story and the conversation following! So many rich insights!! Thanks!

  2. Eva Peck

    Another element that comes in is faith — believing in the treatment and/or trusting the doctor. This has both physical and spiritual parallels. We read in the Bible and the Padgett messages that healing can only occur where faith is involved. If people don’t believe God loves them unconditionally, that He is more than happy to give them His Love upon asking, that they don’t have to first qualify in any way other than desiring it, they are blocking the process that would facilitate healing and heart transformation.

    1. Bill Frase

      Thank you, Eva! Very insightful! To me faith in its purest form is trusting someone completely and radically, faithfulness to the truth of an intimate relationship, and all of the perceptions related to the truth of that relationship. If we are not in faith, our defenses are up, blocking us from the flow of blessings that are meant for us. If we are not in faith, we are not trusting the One who is worthy of absolute trust. If we are not in faith, we are blind to the truth of who we are and to the truth of the “One to Whom We Owe Our lives.

  3. Penny

    Ask and receive, seek and find -this parable has a similar theme to the Nice Ride Operator only told from a different perspective so if you’re involved with health care perhaps you can identify more with it. The main problem with so many of us is that we really don’t want to be healed -especially if it involves more than taking a fast acting pill.

    1. Bill Frase

      Thank you for your thoughts, Penny! Do most of us know that miracles and cures exist? Is it difficult for us to set our hearts upon what we believe to be “impossible?”

  4. Eva Peck

    Wonderful metaphor, Bill. There is much “heart disease” of the spiritual kind in the world, but not many seem to desire to get well. May we all be like the cardiologist and show those who cross our path the way to the new heart and its benefits.

  5. Brooke Folk

    Power of Law of Attraction! Wonderful ‘heart felt’ story Bill !

    1. Bill Frase

      Thank you, Brooke! I asked God for help with this story, and it was a wonderful and surprising gift to receive! I am so grateful to be able to share it!

Your comments and questions are welcome!