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So Much Better Than Normal

An Urgent Invitation to Personal and Global Transformation

On so many lips today, I hear the words, “When things get back to normal…”

I don’t intend to be unkind or harsh in saying this, but things are never going back to normal. The sooner we accept this, the sooner we can begin to work toward the establishment of a new world that will be so much better than normal.

We’re in the mess we’re in because we have decided to do things on our own and in our own way despite the heavenly help that has always been available. Our global civilization is being disrupted as a consequence of the pursuit of desires that are out of harmony with God’s Will and Love. 

This crisis is not a random accident. It is not something that came out of nowhere. Humankind is responsible for the consequences we are experiencing due to our tendency to neglect the way of love and to pursue violence instead. We are experiencing powerful effects flowing from powerful causes put into motion by a hellbent human race.

I understand that most of us would rather repeat familiar unpleasantness and pain instead of seeking new and unknown bliss. Humans tend to resist change in all of its forms, even when that change is for the better. The current global crisis is no exception.

Whenever anyone speaks nostalgically about going “back to normal,” I really wonder if they understand what that means in the context of where the Creator is leading humanity. For me what is happening right now is a terrible, yet necessary, step to move from our present age of darkness (AKA: Normal) into a fresh age of light. Whenever anyone speaks of going “back to normal,” this is what I hear:

  • Grinding poverty for billions of people.
  • Environmental degradation and destruction that will lead to the desolation of the Earth.
  • Endemic addiction to patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior that destroy life.
  • Injustice through the exploitation of people and the natural world for gain.
  • Political and economic oppression.
  • Rampant corruption.
  • The denial of basic human rights to children, women, the poor, the sick, the vulnerable, people with disabilities, our elders, indigenous peoples, people of color, religious groups, minorities and many, many others.
  • Sexism, racism, ethnocentrism, classism, ableism, nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, and every other -ism that represents forms of violence, oppression, and discrimination.
  • Homelessness.
  • Famine and starvation.
  • War.
  • Disease.
  • Slavery.
  • Isolation and exclusion.
  • Polluted water, air, and soil. 
  • Lack of access to basic sanitation.
  • Soul-crushing despair, selfishness, greed, and fear.
  • Violence in a multitude of forms not described above.

It is well past time that we decide that these conditions are unacceptable for beings made in the image of our Creator’s benevolent soul. I am deeply concerned that we have accepted these horrors as forming the normalcy of our civilization. I am greatly troubled that anyone would feel justified in saying that we should actually try to perpetuate these destructive conditions under the guise of a return to normalcy.

The best way to honor those who are sacrificing their safety and their lives in this time of crisis is to move forward in faith toward a much different world, an infinitely better world. 

I propose that this moment in history presents us with the great and wonderful opportunity to play a part in God’s Plan for the remaking the world from one that harms and hurts into one that brings healing and wholeness, beauty and goodness, truth and light to all.

Our Creator is calling us into a new reality. We have a basic choice about what we will allow to motivate us – fear and apathy or love and our soul’s deep desire. I choose love. I choose the true desire of my soul that yearns for a new life and a new world. I invite all to choose love and deep soul desire at this critical time. Love will save us. Love never fails. It never has, and it never will.

We are receiving an unprecedented opportunity to experience a wonderful transformation of life on this planet. Our Creator greatly desires for us to end our war upon life and to live in harmony within ourselves, between one other, and upon our beautiful Earth. Let us stop pining for a past that has one foot in the grave and start yearning for a future better than we can hope for or imagine.

I’m not saying that human beings can accomplish this powerful personal and global transformation on our own. We haven’t done it so far, and there is no reason to expect that we will do so.

Our hope is in our Creator who greatly desires to transform us from within and to inspire us so that we may become the kind of people who are capable of building the bright future that God desires. Instead of going to war with God in willful desire, we can seek to live in humble harmony with natural and spiritual law.

How do we do this? We allow the deep desire of our souls for loving union with our Creator to be expressed fervently and repeatedly. That’s it. If we frequently allow this deep desire of our souls for at-onement with God in Love to be expressed, we will be filled with the energy of Divine Love – the most powerful force in the universe. If we long for this love, it will come in accordance with our desires, and it will transform us from within, not just for a moment but for all eternity.

God’s Love is able to take people who are addicted to darkness and help them to find their joy in love and light. It heals and renews broken hearts and wounded people. It brings together what is divided. God’s Love transmutes darkness into light. It can change cold and hardened hearts and make them soft and warm in great compassion and gentleness. It transforms the mundane into the miraculous. It heals, guides, and protects like nothing else can. God’s Divine Love deposes death and enthrones abundant and eternal life in its place. It can only accomplish these wonders and many more if we make the effort to invite it into our souls.

I implore you to join me in building this new and wonderful future together through the power of God’s Divine Love within our souls. Whether we know it or not, every soul has a deep purpose to fulfill in this life. There is a deeply profound and meaningful reason why each of us is alive at this particular moment in history. We are not here by accident!

If we allow God’s Love to burn like an undying flame within our souls, we will discover our true purpose and live it for the benefit of all. God has a wondrous plan that incorporates the unique gifts of each and every soul to contribute toward the undoing of what we have done in our arrogance and ignorance.

God’s Plan is unfolding before our very eyes and it will culminate in the inauguration of an epoch of awe and wonder. It’s not in full view yet, but the clues and signs of its immanence are obvious to those who have been on the lookout.

We each have a choice to either live into God’s vision or to resist it. The tide of light is rising. Its waves have already started to erode the foundations of the agreements and institutions that we have built upon the sands of hubris. We each have a very simple choice to make. Those who are wise will choose love and faith over fear and cynicism.

Here is one way to put the question that lies before each and every one of us during this critical time:

Will I cling to the familiar even if it means drowning in the waves of change, or will I take hold of this Lifeline of Love and trust it to take me safely to an unknown shore?

How we answer this question will determine the quality of our experiences in the days to come. We cannot fully experience new blessings without releasing the artifacts of the past. We cannot both hold onto the sinking wreck and the lifeline indefinitely. We must choose.

I pray that we will all seek to live in harmony with God’s waves of love, light and blessing as they gently caress our precious souls and our beautiful world. May we open our souls to receive these powerful blessings for our salvation and the reclamation of the Earth. God passionately desires for each and every one of us to experience new life in a new world that will be so, so, so much better than normal. Amen.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Eva Peck

    Very insightful, Bill, and no doubt inspired. Thank you. I too am looking forward to the new world.

  2. Terry

    Bill, bravo! I wonder if you would permit me to share this on Facebook? I love your explanation of the reasons for this “reboot” that the Creator is gifting us with and want to share it widely.
    Love and gratitude, Terry

    1. Bill Frase

      Fee free to distribute this message in whatever ways you feel guided to do so! Thank you!

  3. Jeanne Fike

    Dear Bill, thank you for your profound and inspiring message! Awesome!

    1. Bill Frase

      Thank you, Jeanne, for all of your support as we seek to work in harmony with God in the days to come!

  4. Brooke Folk

    A most elegant and purposeful rendering of your soul’s desire for earth and humanity. Thank you Bill.

    1. Bill Frase

      Thank you, Brooke! It’s great to know you as a fellow traveler on the path!

Your comments and questions are welcome!