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A Vision of the Path

This week I received a vision while praying for God’s Divine Love to flow into my soul. I found myself in a very dark and foreboding forest. It was as if the light that allowed me to see it existed for the sole purpose of making the forest that much more dark and forbidding. All I could see around me were writhing roots and gnarled tree trunks with painfully twisted limbs going in all directions. There was no sky above. The scary forest with the apple-throwing trees in The Wizard of Oz had nothing on this forest. I really, really did not want to be in this horrible place!

I looked down and saw laid at my feet a pathway made of golden light. It was bright and warm and inviting. It felt completely safe despite the frightening forest surrounding me. The thing that really struck me was that the path was not laid out as I would expect. It was like a thin translucent sheet of light stretching out to infinity in front of me. It was perfectly straight and level with clear and bright edges. It did not twist or turn to avoid anything in the forest. My mind kept thinking that what I was seeing was impossible. It made no sense. The forest trails I have hiked always meandered left and right and up and down to conform to the terrain and other natural features like trees and boulders. This path did nothing like this. Without bulldozing the trees of blowing up the boulders, it just stretched into infinity as if there was nothing the forest could do to change its course.

There were several things that this vision suggested to me:

  1. The path of Golden Light represented God’s ideal path for each soul, not just me, but for each soul who seeks God’s Love.
  2. God’s Path is a gift and a choice. We can choose to walk the path God has laid out for us or not.
  3. We take the next step on God’s Path from our soul’s faith and trust in God even when our minds are unable to perceive and understand what is actually happening.
  4. When we are on God’s Path, we can experience peace, joy, and tranquility in the presence of dark and frightening conditions.
  5. God’s Path is not complicated or convoluted. It is clear, simple, and straightforward when our souls are in the flow of God’s Love. This is quite miraculous to me. Perhaps from an outside perspective the path does all kinds of complex contortions to adjust to changing conditions. I just know that what I saw was clear and simple, despite what my mind thought it should look like. That clarity and simplicity was a wonderful gift and comfort to me.
  6. We may choose to leave the path that God has laid out for our souls and take our chances. I definitely did not want to do that in the vision, although I still do it in my daily life.
  7. This is not the same path that we would choose for ourselves out of the training and programming we have received from other human beings. It is a path that does not conform itself to the ways and means of the pseudo-reality that humanity has constructed out ignorance of and opposition to God’s Love and Laws.

I’m sharing this because revisiting this vision has helped me this week. I hope that it may be helpful to you on your journey. If it isn’t helpful to you, please let it go.

I pray that we each may clearly see the unique path God has placed before us and walk it in the flow, rhythm, and grace of God’s Love. I pray that our paths may intersect in wondrous and miraculous ways as part of God’s Plan for the salvation of humankind and the healing of the earth. I pray that God’s Love may help each of us to clearly see the next step we need to take on our journey now and for all eternity. May we allow the deep hunger and thirst of our souls to be expressed and met constantly by the glorious bounty of God’s Great Unconditional Love and Absolute Acceptance. Amen.

This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Paula Craig.

    Do you think this is the reality of the earth and the path you saw was the light of your spirituality.

    1. Bill Frase

      I feel that the vision I received was meant to give me hope and to encourage me to continue to step forward in faith even as I continue to be challenged by my growing perceptions of the darkness that pervades the human condition on the earth at this time. This vision continues to bear itself out as I continue to gain insight into the darkness that defines so much of the human condition at this time. Some aspects of the darkness have been brought into starker relief for me. Despite this, my faith in my Heavenly Parent and my hope for the future of humanity and this world continue to grow.

  2. Ruth


  3. Petra Hattingh

    Thank you,Bill! Appreciate!!!

  4. Simon Lovell

    A marvelous vision of our path if we invite and listen to God in our hearts and follow the light. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Terry Adler

    Thank you for this dear Bill!
    It is a powerful vision that you have made more impactful through sharing your understandings of what it says to you. I am printing it out to re-read, again and again. I find it a marvellous teaching, a soul awareness that speaks to my soul!

    1. Bill Frase

      Thank you for your comment, Terry! May our Heavenly Parent continue to flood your soul with the Divine Essence of Love!

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