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Beautiful But Broken

There was a beautiful little girl whose parents had always held her at an emotional distance. No matter how hard she tried to find a way to endear herself to them, she ended up feeling frustrated, disappointed, and sad. Her parents always pulled back just when she thought she was getting close. She grew up believing that there must be something deeply wrong with her.

In her teens, she wanted to do new things and explore different possibilities, but her parents became extremely controlling and shut her down at nearly every turn. She couldn’t understand what she had done to cause them to distrust her so much.  

The teenager became a beautiful young woman who slouched slightly and rarely made eye contact with people. Her smile had an inexplicable way of highlighting the sadness in her eyes. She second-guessed herself even when it came to the most insignificant of decisions. She felt unworthy of anything good.  She constantly battled within herself – trying to prove her worth while unconsciously sabotaging every opportunity.

The young woman had a deep desire to live a life of service, meaning, and purpose. Whenever she allowed herself to indulge in any kind of hope for this kind of life, a harsh and unkind voice would enter her mind asking her who she thought she was, telling her that she would never amount to anything. Her entire existence felt like a long, losing battle.

Just before Christmas, she was fired from her job, found out that her lover had cheated on her again, and was diagnosed with a chronic pain disorder for which there was no cure and no effective treatment.

It was a gray and rainy Christmas Eve. The beautiful but broken young woman decided to kill herself to end her suffering. She had never really taken the idea of God seriously, but decided to give God (if He even existed) a piece of her mind before entering oblivion. Sitting on the edge of her bed with sleeping pills and alcohol on the nightstand, she said:

“You can’t be real. If you were, my life would not have turned out like this. I’m unwanted. I have tried to do the right things, but nothing ever works out for me no matter what I do. I wish I’d never been born. I feel like a mistake, a really sad joke. I’m sick in my body. I’m dead inside. Everything I’ve ever done has been for nothing. All I can think about is how meaningless it all is. I’m poor and alone. I’ve done my best, and it hasn’t even been close to good enough. I just want this pain to end.”

Suddenly the drab apartment was filled with a soft, golden light, and she felt a wave of warmth pass through her. As if from inside herself, she heard:

“Beloved, I have been with you all of your life. Even though you have not been able to feel my presence or hear my voice until now, I have never left your side. I have been with you through every single insult against your inherent beauty and goodness. I have been with you through every trial, every injury, every single thing that you have considered to be a problem or a mistake.”

“You are not a mistake,” declared the voice. The young woman started to cry, her tears absorbed by her faded jeans.

“You are the prized and priceless child of your Heavenly Parent. My heart has been breaking with yours all these years. I have been pouring my love into your life hoping that you might feel it. Your Heavenly Parent has been showering you with Her Love and longs for you to receive it into your heart.

“You are stronger than you know. If you will allow yourself to come to know your Creator’s Self-Giving Love, you may be healed of all that troubles you. The broken pieces of your life may become a beautiful mosaic full of light and goodness. If you choose, you may yet become a channel of healing and wholeness to the lost and lonely.

“My Sweet Sister, you have always assumed that you were an only child. It is time for you to know that it was my untimely death before you were born that created the secret wound that our parents still carry in silence. The unspoken fears that flowed from their heartbreak have hurt you deeply, making you question your value and worth. You are so very lovable. You are so very dear to me.

“Beautiful Baby Sister, you are more blessed than you know. Your Heavenly Parent loves you so very much. I love you more than words can ever express. God bless you beloved, beloved sister. I am with you always.”

Tears continued to stream from the young woman’s eyes. For the first time in her life, she felt truly safe and loved as she allowed herself to melt into a gentle, warm embrace.

Secrets of the Story

Those who challenge us have been hurt by the trauma of living in the world that humanity has built up out of its disconnection from the Divine Source. We have all been wounded by the harsh atmosphere that people call “reality” or “life,” which (in truth) is neither of these things. We are all wounded people who wound people.

Many of us have no idea of the impact of spiritual forces on our lives. If we allow our woundedness to define us through suppression or identification, we will attract darker spiritual forces that will amplify our pain and suffering. Those who seek spiritual healing and wholeness will experience the benefits that flow from the ministrations of higher spiritual forces who are able to help us.

Many people do not feel that they have a choice in responding to the slings and arrows of this cruel, death-dealing pseudo-reality that we have co-created. Most feel that they should either suffer or take up arms against their enemies in order to defeat or destroy them.

There is a third option, a much better way of being in this world: We may seek the way of soul transmutation by the power of our Heavenly Parent’s Essence of Divine Love. Through repeated, heartfelt prayer for the Creator’s Holy Love, over time we may be radically changed – receiving spiritual guidance and protection along with a multitude of other gifts. As we receive these many blessings, we become evermore empowered to serve and uplift others in peace and unconditional compassion.

Just because we are not aware of the Power of Love that surrounds us does not mean that it’s not there. Acknowledging our beautiful but broken lives is a perfect way for us to begin to let Love in.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jeanne Fike

    I love this story, Bill! I can relate so closely!

    1. Bill Frase

      Thank you for reading, Jeanne! I’m glad you enjoyed it!

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