The Healing Contagion

There was a civilization where everyone carried a deadly and disabling pathogen that they had unwittingly inherited and passed from generation to generation over the course of millennia. The pathogen insidiously prevented people from absorbing important nutrients from the environment that would have allowed them to live long, healthy, and happy lives. The unrecognized pathogen had made the people chronically sick, extremely negative, and anti-social. Violence in a multitude of forms was endemic. Most people didn’t live past their mid-thirties.

Since no one could remember a time before they had become infected, everyone assumed that a short and bitter life was their natural inheritance. All of their religions justified their suffering as proof of their inherent unworthiness and depravity.

Their medical textbooks even considered the pathogen to be a naturally occurring blood factor, even though its purpose was not yet understood. It never occurred to anyone that their entire way of living and dying was built upon a common infection.

There was a young man who had always felt there was something deeply wrong with the world. He didn’t know what to do about it, but he had this faint hope that somehow, something could be done to make things better.

One day he came upon a homeless man in the city. The tall, thin man was older than anyone he had seen before. He had never seen someone with such white hair and so many wrinkles. The young man gave the old man some money and asked him his age. The bearded man said that he was 79 years old. The youngster didn’t believe that because he knew such a thing was impossible. But he knew that the deeply wrinkled man had to be older than his forties.

During their conversation, the old man recalled a day many decades before when he had been in so much suffering that he cried out in desperation from the depths of his being for relief. Ever since that moment the quality to his life started to improve on a gradual but continuous basis. He was happier and healthier in the present than when he had been in his teens, which was considered to be the prime of life. He became homeless because employers wouldn’t hire him, assuming that he had a contagious disease.

After the two men parted, the youth could not stop thinking about the encounter. It was as if an ember of hope buried deep within had been rekindled. He started to feel a deep longing that whatever had changed the old man’s life could happen for him. He was desperate to be free from the depressing darkness that he carried as a heavy burden. He felt something shift within himself. He didn’t know what had happened, but he felt something he’d never felt before which increased his hope that change was possible.

The young man gradually started to feel better physically and emotionally. Being a very curious person, he couldn’t just accept what had happened. He needed to understand so that he could help others.

He eventually found a physician who was fascinated by his story. The doctor actually thought the youngster was suffering from an unknown form of mental illness that she could take credit for discovering in order to advance her career. After running an exhaustive battery of tests, the doctor realized that her original diagnosis had been incorrect. Having eliminated the most likely explanation for his claims, she became determined to find the cause of her patient’s condition.

The doctor discovered that the young man had become infected by a virus that had reprogrammed his cells so that they worked in a completely new way. She also learned that there was an inverse relationship between the presence of the virus and the ubiquitous blood factor that was actually the unrecognized pathogen that made everyone sick. As the blood count of the virus increased, the unrecognized pathogen’s numbers decreased.

When the doctor tested her own blood, the virus was present, but she didn’t have any of the young man’s symptoms. She also had normal levels of the unrecognized pathogen assumed to be a beneficial blood factor. It appeared that the virus could be easily transmitted and survive in the bloodstream, but required some kind of trigger to replicate.

The doctor hypothesized that the young man had contracted the virus from the homeless person and had activated it through an unknown mechanism that affected the receptor sites of his cell membranes, allowing it to attach and replicate. As she witnessed the young man’s continued improvement, she longed to experience the benefits that came from the activity of the virus, and her heath and mood started to improve as well.

Eventually the doctor found some desperate chronically ill patients who were were willing to allow themselves to be infected with the virus. Just like the young man and the doctor, the test subjects experienced an increase in energy and well-being and their attitudes and patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior started to change for the better as well.

Word of the results of the experiments spread to the authorities who were afraid that the virus would lead to a global pandemic that would threaten the very principles and institutions upon which the survival of their dismal civilization depended. So all of the infected were quarantined at a remote government facility to protect their civilization from the disruption that would ensue from mass contagion.

Despite their incarceration and constant medical testing, the infected did all in their power to liberate their captors. The scientists and bureaucrats of the pharmaceutical companies and public health agencies worked assiduously to develop a vaccine to protect their world from salvation.

Secrets of the Story

For millennia those who have had The Answer to our collective disease of disconnection from our Divine Source have been killed, imprisoned, misunderstood, and misrepresented by those who have been threatened by the healing contagion of Divine Love that they sought to bring to the people of the earth. Those with the knowledge to save us from ourselves have been labeled as the problem when they have actually been the incubators and carriers of The Solution to everything that ails us.

Civilizations have invested vast amounts of time, energy, and resources in compounding the problems we have created when The Answer has been at hand for millennia. The Cure to all of our problems is freely available, but unless we allow it into our hearts and souls, it remains unused and unknown, as if it had never existed.

The Answer of God’s Divine Love for many is just like a beneficial virus that cannot attach to cell (soul) membranes that would allow it to enter, replicate, and reprogram of our inner beings with unconditional love and unshakable peace. If we don’t want to be infected by God’s Love, if we won’t invite it in, we can’t catch it. We will continue in our shared sickness of estrangement from The Source of Life. We will not be able to absorb the Power of Life that surrounds us like an unknown nutrient in our world.

Fear, ignorance, greed, and violence appear to be winning, but they will not prevail in the end. The time is coming when the virus of God’s Essence of Divine Love will heal us and our world. It will not be stopped. It is a fire of contagion that cannot be put out. It will not be quarantined or contained. It is a holy fever that even the coldest of hearts and the hardest and sharpest of minds cannot and will not prevail against.

That which is out of harmony with Love cannot last. True and Lasting Power comes directly from the Divine Source. The images and symbols of power, comfort, abundance, ease, and happiness that so many people seek are only passing shadows without substance. The Source of all Goodness has an Infinite Heart of Unconditional and Evergiving Love that will never give up on us. Ever.

Become a carrier of this Holy Infection by praying for God’s Divine Love! Once our way of being is powered by Divine Love, we become invitations of unconditional love to others to seek infection for themselves from the Divine Source. For those of you choose to accept this Blessed Infection, let us not keep this contagion to ourselves!

CDLC WARNING: Symptoms of infection by the Creator’s Divine Love:  love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, hopefulness, rejoicing in the truth, trusting, perseverance, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23 and 1 Corinthians 13 NIV) Also, those who are in the advanced stages of infection will constantly seek Divine Love through passionate and heartfelt prayer to The Divine Source for more.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Jesse

    Very well shared Bill!

    Praying to receive Gods Divine Love cleans us from the inside out, which is what I believe the meaning behind Matthew 23: 25-26 was saying:

    “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.”

    Thanks for your inspiration and prayerful love for light my brother!

    1. Bill Frase

      Thank you, Jesse! That scripture is very applicable!

      We all have been born into a disease-ridden reality that sickens us in our minds and souls, blinding us to the truth. Our shared disease is so ubiquitous that we are unaware of the inner darkness that makes us blind because everyone else has it too. “Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness. Therefore be careful lest the light in you be darkness.” (Luke 11:34-35) The unrecognized pathogen in the story is the “light” of the fabricated world within us that is actually darkness, but we cannot perceive it for what it actually is because it is everywhere we look. We can only perceive spiritual light to the extent that we carry it within ourselves.

      Our religious, political, economic, and social institutions and authorities all say that the diseased way of so-called living is just the way things are and how they will always be. We’re told in a myriad of ways that if we play by the rules of a sick and dying society, we will either be rewarded in this life or the next. If we do not play the socially-accepted games of a species bent upon destruction, we can expect punishments in this life or the next for our lack of conformity to the shared regimen that promotes a common soul sickness.

      God’s Divine Love is the cure to our common blindness which is the result of an inner sickness that we cannot perceive since it is shared by everyone. As those of us who seek this Holy Energy receive it within our inmost beings, we are changed more and more until we become agents of infection for others to catch the healing energy of Divine Love that God freely offers to all who desire it.

      The tipping point will come when the isolated healings we now see here and there begin to spark healings of increasing scale, ultimately leading to mass healing. Nothing imagined by the minds of men will be able to stop the healings that are coming since they come not from men but from God. Healing and wholeness will sweep across the world without respect for borders or boundaries both natural and unnatural.

      More and more people’s inner selves will be transformed from darkness to light, from blindness to sight. This will be the undoing of the very structures that have promoted disharmony and disaster. For they are only established and sustained through social agreements. When those shared agreements change because people’s ability to perceive clearly is improved, so must the structures and institutions of death and disease be changed into structures of life and healing.

      I feel so blessed to be a carrier of God’s Blessed Infection of Divine Love, and to have so many fellow patient zeros (both known and unknown) around the world who carry this Precious Healing Contagion as well! May we continue to share and spread the Blessed Infection of God’s Love!

      (This is a lot of the stuff I wanted to include in the story, but couldn’t) 🙂

  2. Eva Peck

    Very insightful story, Bill, with principles applying not only to spiritual truths, but other truths as well.

    1. Bill Frase

      Thank you, Eva. Earlier drafts of the story had a lot of technical information related to biology, psychoneuroimmunology, psychology, political science, economics, and sociology that I had to let go of in order to make it shorter and (hopefully) more accessible. 🙂

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