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The Story of Your Life

You awake to a new day, but due to events beyond your control, you have forgotten the story of your life. Everything that brought you to the present moment is lost to you. You do not know or recognize the people in your world, where you live, or how you lived your life before today. You don’t know what belongs to you. You have forgotten your habits and routines. Even those closest to you are complete strangers. With this change, you have lost your identity, making you a stranger to yourself. How will you approach your new life?

Secrets of the Story

I am fascinated with the nature of identity. Who am I really? Who am I beyond the stories I tell myself and the stories that others have told me. Who am I beyond my habits of being and doing – feeling and perceiving? Who am I beyond the limitations of memory?

I have discovered that there is a core self, a soul that is my true self. It has been created in the invisible image of my creator’s soul.

No one and nothing in the fabricated world of human invention can tell us who we truly are. If we want to know our true identity, we must look to the Source of our being. It is in experiencing that which flows abundantly from the Source that we come to know our true selves.

I wrote this story to help readers contemplate existence without all of the structures, habits, relationships, and stories that we typically use to define our lives. This contemplation has the potential to bring us closer to the realization of our true nature as souls, created in the invisible image of our Parental Source – souls capable of receiving the essence of our Source so that we might know for certain from whence we come, who we are called to be, and what we are called to do.

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