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What Do You Long to Manifest?

We all have things in our lives that we would love to be, do, or express. Everyone’s had some success in bringing these things into being. We’ve also all had challenges. There are things we know that lie deep within us that are yet to be manifested within us and through us.

The Soul Manifestation Series is an opportunity for you to:

  • Get clarity on what you desire to experience, create, or do.
  • Make progress in the direction of your deepest dreams and desires
  • Remove blocks and limitations
  • Heal the fears, doubts, resistance, and reticence that are preventing you from realizing more of your potential

Who? What? When? Where?

Who: Your Soul Manifestation Series Facilitators

Elizabeth Trask, BScN, RN: I am committed to practicing a greater alignment with Love, in both my profession, and personal life practice. I practice as an instrument, a channel for healing, tones, and messages to move through. I have been in healing practice for over two decades. This has looked so many different ways over time: from facilitating group fitness, and co-creating personal training programs, to health administration, bedside nursing, and then to one-on one, and family consultation sessions. Every session is different, as I draw on a variety of energy medicines, tools, and modalities. I also create content for speaking engagements, and facilitate workshops and development retreats. 

Bill Frase helps people access their true selves and experience the Ultimate Source for themselves. He is currently President and Co-founder of LightBringers Inc. and is the author of Soul Fire: Awakening to the Power of Divine Love and Divine Love Essentials. He lives near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the United States with his wife and son. Learn more at:

What’s Included:

  • Access to a Chronological Library of All Previously Recorded Sessions and Homeplay Exercises
  • Four (4) Live Zoom Sessions (With the Possibility Continuing the Journey)
  • Access to Current Session Recordings
  • Homeplay Exercises
  • Access to the Soul Manifestation WhatsApp Group Community
  • Trance Messages with Access to the Audio Recordings
  • Access to Trance Message Transcripts
  • Facilitator Support between Sessions
  • Trance Healing

No matter when you decide to participate in the series, you will gain access to all of the previous session recordings, homeplay exercises, and key information needed to build a solid foundation to support your entry into the present flow of soul manifestation information and inspiration. In other words, the Soul Manifestation Series is structured so you may go back to any point in the series and enter into the flow of information, inspiration, and development that’s available. Our Divine Teams have made it possible for anyone who views a session recording to be able to experience the same energies and influences that were available when the session was live.


Dates: 4 successive Tuesdays, a week off, then repeat.

Time: 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM Eastern Time (US)

The Next Series starts on Tuesday, October 1st, 2024.


The sessions will be held live on Zoom. Those who can’t participate live will receive access to the Zoom recordings.

How Much Does It Cost?

We are requesting a donation of $55 (CAD) for the series of four (4) sessions.

We want to make this series available and accessible to people regardless of material circumstances, if you cannot afford the suggested donation, simply indicate this on the registration form.

How Do I Register?

Click the link below to fill out the online registration form. We will be in touch over email!

Click Here to Register Now!

What if I Can’t Attend the Live Sessions?

We perceive that our Divine Teams have created energetic structures and processes that allow those who are not able to attend the live sessions to receive the same transmissions, gifts, blessings, and healings as live participants if they desire them.

One way to think about it is that the live sessions are 90 minutes in length. That leaves 10080 minutes between each live session for participation via the Zoom recording, homeplay exercises, sleep state participation, listening to audio recordings, WhatsApp group sharing, and reading message transcripts. 

Those who deeply desire live interaction over Zoom may miss that aspect of participation, but we feel confident that the other possibilities for participation, reception, and contribution provide the essentials for those who desire to bring more of themselves and their soul’s desires into the world.

I Just Found Out About This! Does It Make Any Sense To Join Mid-Series?

We encourage you to enter the flow of the series as soon as it feels light and joyful for you! We say this because this series is a continuously developing flow or movement of intentions and energies. When you register, you receive access to a chronological library of all of the previous session videos and homeplay exercises that you can begin engaging with as soon as you’re ready. We actually strongly recommend that new participants to the Soul Manifestation Series begin moving through these resources to make their entry into the continuously-developing flow of the series as easeful and enjoyable as possible. 

There’s the additional fact that because of the accumulating value each new series offers, the suggested donation amount may increase as well. The sooner you begin participating, the lower your suggested donation amount. Your suggested donation amount is locked in when you begin and for as long as you continue to renew your participation with each new series of sessions. 

Why Are the Most Important Things so Often the Hardest?

Many people think we automatically do the most important things because we know they’re the most important. Anyone who has tried to make progress toward something deeply and personally important knows that the things closest to our heart and soul are often the most difficult to do. 

Why is that?

It’s because we live on a planet where we have been taught to do what others tell us, to behave in appropriate ways, to doubt and fear, to pay more attention to what’s going on around us than to what’s going on inside us.

The moment we incarnate in this world, we come under a violent energetic assault that causes most of us to look for ways to protect ourselves from the barrage of painful and uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, and energies that we encounter in our mother’s womb. The Earth is a really harsh place for all of us. Just because we have acclimatized to the unpleasantness of our planet doesn’t change the fact that the conditions on the Earth are not conducive to supporting the expression of people’s deepest desires.

One of the key elements that discourages us from bringing our deep dreams into reality is the human mandate of conformity. The problem with conformity is that it has nothing to do with who we really are. Conformity is making the appearance of similarities more important than enjoying and celebrating the things that make each of us beautifully and wonderfully unique.

Your soul has been created to express itself unlike any other soul in the universe. 

Let that sink in.

There’s no other soul in all of eternity–past, present, or future–that is exactly like you. No one else was, is, or will be just like you, see and feel like you do, have your unique constellation of gifts, talents, perspectives, or abilities.

If this is true, why is conformity so important?

The material mind in its current state of disconnection from the soul and the Source tends to associate certain things with safety and survival:

  • Status1
  • Certainty
  • Autonomy
  • Relationships
  • Fairness

These are not necessarily bad things. But lets dig a little deeper to see how these values are typically expressed and sought in ways that do not align with the possibilities and potentials our souls desire to manifest.

Status is about being in an elevated position relative to other people. The idea is that having, sustaining, or achieving a higher status affords us greater protection and chances of survival through access to scarce resources. Whenever we consider doing anything in a world that tends to prioritize conformity above values like authenticity and self-expression, it is very easy to recall those times in our lives when we were targeted or criticized for being our unique selves in a world that values conformity. The memories of these painful experiences of judgement, criticism, and exclusion are enough to stop most people dead in their tracks. As soon as a soul desire bubbles into our conscious awareness, most of us, most of the time are triggered into denying that desire to avoid the pain we have associated with expressing deepest selves.

The material mind loves certainty, but in its current state, this means the illusion of being able to predict what’s going to happen. The only way the material mind knows how to predict the future (by the way, it can’t) is to look at the past and project it forward. Instead of living in an expansive present moment pregnant with infinite possibilities, the material mind is always looking to a dead past to create a safe (predictable) future. The material mind does its best to shy away from the unknown and all of the perceived risks of doing something without an existing model. Our material mind is simply trying to protect us from all of the risks associated with the unknown. There’s nothing wrong with this. It’s just that this fear-based approach will usually prevent us from following the nudges of our souls because they usually don’t come with a plan to avoid every possible risk. It takes great faith for most of us to take action on the promptings of our souls because they don’t come with the kinds of guarantees that our minds want.

The material mind’s interest in autonomy is not true autonomy, but a highly circumscribed version of autonomy that selects from a very limited list of existing socially acceptable options. Most of us are unaware that our minds look to other people’s desires and then pick from a very short list of options. Most people have a romantic view of desire, which is that we simply desire things because they are inherently valuable. In truth, most of us, most of the time, are modeling the desires of others. Allowing ourselves to access and express our souls’ deepest desires is not something most of us know how to do on any consistent basis. Copying other people’s desires will always leave us feeling empty because they were never our desires to begin with. One of the keys to a life full of joy and deep fulfillment is to perceive our deepest desires, the ones that come from within ourselves that are not modeled after any other person, and act upon them in faith. That is part of what we will be doing.

The material mind equates specific relationships with survival probabilities. Relationships are a critical component of our ability to survive in this world. Anything that could threaten an important relationship is seen as a threat to our safety and survival. Therefore, all of these things are to be avoided. We know that there are important people around us who will not necessarily love and support us unconditionally if we do things that they do not approve of. Because of this, we usually do not act upon our deep desires because we know, based on experience, that doing those things could threaten the flow of conditional love and support from others we are in relationship with.

Our material minds have also taken on perceptions of fairness. Fairness helps the material mind to feel like there are guardrails or boundaries on what people may experience in terms or rewards and punishments. If enough people have fairness constructs that are similar, the chances that one will be dealt with unfairly by others are reduced. These kinds of agreements between people provide a superficial sense of safety and security. Fairness has nothing to do with one’s soul or Ultimate Divine Reality. It’s a limited human construct built on ideas that create a false sense of consistency that the material mind craves. One of the problems with fairness is that most people do not feel it’s fair to experience gifts and blessings outside of what has been agreed upon as being socially acceptable. Therefore, people tend to limit what’s possible for themselves and others because anyone experiencing gifts or blessings outside of their mutual fairness frameworks threatens the entire social construction of reality. Even one person receiving more than their fair share is perceived as a threat to people’s sense of justice. If we were to stand back and look objectively at the vast web of stories and lies about effort, entitlement, deserving, and fairness we would be astounded by the prison of limiting ideas we have constructed out of our thoughts and feelings. Fairness is a construct of limited and limiting ideas. Anyone who goes after their true heart’s desire can expect to struggle against their ideas of fairness, deserving, and justice that are part of their psycho-social construction of the world. The Source does not desire to bless us based on our ideas of fairness or deserving. The Source blesses us according to the expression of our deepest desires. Our souls do not want to be constrained by arbitrary human values. Our souls long to receive and give in ways that do not conform to human ideas of fairness.

So, most of the time, we conform to fit in and survive. We take our uniquely created, beautiful, exquisite, extraordinary selves and deny our most interesting and unusual pieces and parts until we are like rough-hewn cubes to fit into the square holes that others desire for us to fill. When we accept a square-peg world as the best possible world, desiring and choosing to express what’s deep within us is too frightening. We would be an irregular shape without a place to fit into the tight, little boxes built by others. When we allow ourselves to be who we are, we find our place within the vast ecology of the Source’s universe which is a much larger territory than the harsh and limiting flatland humankind has constructed. 

In a world rooted in fear, apathy, and judgment, the most dangerous person is someone who disregards what other people say is valuable to seek their heart’s desire. Each soul who walks a path of profound self-love and expression is a glaring example of how others have settled for the limited options humanity says are desirable, acceptable, and valuable.

To seek your soul’s deep desire is to tempt others to question themselves and their desires. Many people don’t want to do this. So, they criticize and judge others to get them to conform so they don’t have to question their identities and the world they have built to support their sense of self. Conformity may be comfortable but in a way that a cemetery is comfortable for its residents.

The human world offers a multitude of superficial and life-stealing options. The Source offers us limitless and meaningful possibilities that call into question the highly circumscribed pseudo-reality that most people call “The Real World.”

If you choose to bring forth those things that are deep within, you will be exposing yourself to possible judgment, criticism, rejection, and other forms of sanctioning. Part of the reason we are afraid to do what’s closest to our heart is because to do so is to reveal parts of ourselves that we have kept hidden from others to keep ourselves safe. 

We intend to create a supportive and harmonious community of soul-seekers to receive encouragement and support, especially when pursuing our souls’ desires challenges those who matter most to us.

What if the safety of conformity is a lie? 

What if your only true safety and security is not in conforming to other people’s limited choices and second-hand desires? What if pursuing our heart’s deep desire is the best way for us to have a solid foundation for our lives? What if love is more powerful than fear and apathy?

What if the surest and most solid foundation for accepting yourself, loving yourself, expressing yourself is the Source, the Ultimate Divine Reality? Conformity grants limited short-term gains with hidden long-term costs. Choosing to express your deepest self in love has potential unlimited gains with limited downside in this life and the next (despite what we’ve been told).

How’s This Going to Help?

The Soul Manifestation Series is intended to help participants grow in their awareness of the ways that we limit ourselves, the fears and doubts that we have accepted over the course of our lives. 

We will be sharing tools, techniques, practices, habits, and disciplines to help us overcome our typical tendencies to hide, resist, doubt, deny, and ignore what is happening deep within us.

We will be operating as a loving community of practice where people can share what’s working and receive support along the journey toward self-love and the authentic self-expression. The Soul Manifestation Series is about helping participants to serve and contribute mightily through the expression of their unique gifts and abilities.

We invite you to consider that the rewards, benefits, and blessings of manifesting our soul’s desires far outweigh and outlast any negativity or unpleasantness you might experience in the short-term.

The Soul Manifestation Series Is For Those Who:

  • Have a nagging sense that there’s something you’re supposed to do that you haven’t done yet
  • Are weary from trying to conform to other people’s expectations
  • Are aware of the ways they are unloving to themselves
  • Want to love themselves more
  • Long to be done with chasing other people’s desires
  • Yearn to know themselves better
  • Desire a more authentic life
  • Want to be of greater service
  • Have their hearts set on becoming more adventurous and courageous

How Do I Know if I Should Do This?

There are many different ways to decide what’s best for you. Here’s one way you can try:

Allow yourself to feel what it will feel like to participate in the Soul Manifestation Series and get a sense of that feeling.

Then, allow yourself to feel what it will feel like to decline the opportunity to participate in the Soul Manifestation Series and get a sense of that feeling. Do whichever possibility feels lightest, best, and most enjoyable. 

We invite those who feel good about participating to register using the link below:

Click Here to Register Now!

For more information please email:

Bill Frase:

Elizabeth Trask:

  1. Adapted from David Rock’s SCARF model, from his Your Brain at Work pp. 195-197