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Soul Consciousness in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter: Felix Felicis

I have been contemplating what living in soul consciousness might be like instead of living from a level of awareness dominated by the material mind. Finding clear and compelling examples of what soul consciousness might look like in practice is difficult. While brief moments of soul consciousness are beautiful gifts and blessings that many people experience, I want to know what it looks and feels like when it’s sustained over more extended periods until that time comes when I may experience long stretches of soul consciousness myself.

As I was talking with a friend recently, a contemporary example of what soul consciousness may look and feel like came to mind. Like all examples, it isn’t inclusive or exclusive of other possibilities. Nevertheless, it’s the best example I’ve found.

In the movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry takes on a mission to retrieve information that’s needed to defeat the powers of darkness, led by Lord Voldemort. Without it, the chances of victory are slim. Harry Potter tries to get this information from the very reluctant potions master, Professor Horace Slughorn, without success. The professor is unwilling to share the secret he knows because he’s ashamed of the part he played in Voldemort’s rise to power. 

It just so happens that Slughorn awarded Harry a dose of the rare Felix Felicis potion for winning a potion-making contest. Felix Felicis is more commonly known as Liquid Luck. It guarantees success to whoever drinks it through an unbelievable streak of good luck. Felix Felicis is Harry’s only chance to acquire the information he needs to defeat Voldemort. 

Harry drinks the potion, and as soon as he does, he has an inexplicable urge to visit his friend, Hagrid, who has no connection with his quest for the critical information he’s seeking. His friends, Ron and Hermione, are confused because he isn’t following the plan to acquire the information. Harry tells them he feels good about seeing Hagrid but can’t explain why. 

On his way to see Hagrid outside the castle grounds, he crosses paths with Slughorn for a brief conversation before continuing to visit Hagrid. Slughorn doesn’t want him to go unaccompanied because of the dangers outside the castle grounds at night. Slughorn accompanies Harry because he won’t listen to reason. They encounter Hagrid mourning over the corpse of his excellent friend Aragog, the acromantula king of the spiders. One thing leads to another, and the men are all drinking and reminiscing in Hagrid’s home.

The death of Aragog reminds Slughorn about the death of his beloved fish, Francis. Harry learns that the fish was a magical gift from his mother to Slughorn when she was a Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry student. He laments that Francis died the moment Lily Potter sacrificed herself to foil Voledemort’s attempt to murder her infant son, Harry.

This disclosure sparks a conversation that compels Horace to give Harry the information needed to defeat Voldemort after Harry tells him that denying his request means that his mother died in vain to protect him.

So, what does this have to do with soul consciousness? It’s rare to see soul consciousness in adults. The hyperactivity of the material mind usually overrides the expanded awareness and sensitivity available in soul consciousness. Through soul consciousness, like Harry under the influence of Liquid Luck, we have a sense of what to do or say but don’t necessarily know why we are doing or saying the things we are. At one point, Harry says something to Slughorn on the way to Hagrid’s. Slughorn asks him why he would say that. Harry tells him he has no idea. We have trained our material minds to come up with reasons, stories, justifications, concepts, ideas, and all sorts of constructs that have little to do with reality and a lot to do with creating stories that help us to make sense of our choices and experiences within the confines of our very limited understanding. But these intellectual structures are often no more than self-perpetuated illusions. They are not the accurate descriptions of reality we think they are.

For those who choose to partake of the Divine Essence, the soul’s knowledge, sensitivity, and ability to manifest its desires increase as the soul’s transformed from its created nature into the uncreated nature of the Source. As the soul transforms from a created being into one possessing the Divine Nature, it gains more and more access to the infinite computing power and the limitless synchronistic awareness of the Source. The soul in this condition can know things without study, perceive things that other sensory organs cannot, and be aware of things without the material mind knowing how. The soul in ascendancy over the machinations of the material mind can access the Source’s limitless ability to correlate events across space-time and all dimensions, levels, and planes of existence.

Felix Felicis is like the Source’s Elixir of Life. The Source’s Essence of Love helps our souls expand their gifts and perceptions beyond the typical modes of thinking and perception available through our material minds and bodies. Through soul development, leading to soul consciousness, we can know things without knowing how we know them. We can do things without knowing why we’re doing them. We can feel things that help us to understand what is usually unseen or unknown. Through a sufficiently awakened soul consciousness, we can express things that speak to people’s hearts and souls in ways we could not otherwise.

J.K. Rowling’s story of Felix Felicis is the best, most readily available contemporary example of what soul consciousness may look like. If you know other accessible stories or examples of soul consciousness, please share them in the comments!

May we each choose soul consciousness instead of being satisfied with the limits and limitations associated with merely relying on our biological senses and material minds. 

I’ve heard people call space the “Final Frontier.” For me, soul consciousness represents a far richer realm of infinite possibilities for exploration and discovery. More than this, I feel that soul consciousness is our best hope for receiving the help and guidance we need to solve all the personal and social problems we have created. 

What would a world with millions of people imbued with the powers of the Source’s Felix Felicis be like? 

What becomes possible when enough of us act under the influence of the Divine Source’s Liquid Luck of Divine Love?

Your comments and questions are welcome!