Soul Fire Circle of Light 2021-12-08

May we release everything that’s holding us back from realizing the potentials and possibilities of our souls!

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  1. Reid Barton

    Bill, First time listening to your podcast. Thank you for taking the time and with faith, determination and trust, producing them. I’ve been on my own working through this journey “to” Divine Love, praying, reading and learning on my own, and with lots of talking to myself. I have far too many questions, as I am want to have, and even though some are most likely unanswerable, at least while I am still here on planet Earth, the journey takes many twists and turns. Some days fine, others quite the challenge. And that’s ok. I just let my mind wander where it wants without judging it, criticizing it or wishing it would get its act together and find its “partner”, my soul. Apparently I am not one to experience anything visceral in terms of feeling connecting with or feeling connected to God, His Angels or bright spirits (or Orion’s team). It seems to be all in my head. I know that’s not the best place for it to be, but for now, its all I have. It’s just full blown faith for me I guess. I know many times on many occasions, the Angels have told us that we will (or should?) literally feel something physical, perhaps in our solar plex region (??) and my take on that is that that is a good thing as it is a type of experiential confirmation – how useful would that be – as well as a sign, if that’s the right word, that one is progressing nicely. Anyhow, I digress. I just wanted to say thank you for all you do for everyone. Your role is huge, necessary and very important especially at this time of transition for each of us and for the world. The world is a better place because of who you are and what you do. I look forward to the next installment, the next podcast prayer. Take care.

Your comments and questions are welcome!